Bộ 16 Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Hải Phòng (Có đáp án)

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Bộ 16 Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Hải Phòng (Có đáp án)

Bộ 16 Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Hải Phòng (Có đáp án)
NĂM HỌC 2024 – 2025
Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút
Mã đề thi 881
I. You will hear part of an interview with a professional athlete called Ann Brown. For questions 1-5, listen
and choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Write your answers on the answer sheet. You will hear the
recording TWICE. (5 pts.)
1. What does Ann say about her performance in the World Championship?
A. She was not satisfied with it. B. She wished she had had more time to prepare for it.
C. She didn't think she would give it brilliantly. D. She felt sorry not to deliver it well.
2. How does Ann feel about the place where she goes running?
A. She finds it quite boring. B. She enjoys its beautiful scenery.
C. She pays little attention to it. D. She thinks there's nothing attractive there.
3. What does Ann think of the idea of taking a "day off from training?
A. She needs at least one rest day a week. B. She thinks all athletes sometimes need one.
C. She would like to have more rest days. D. She can keep training without a "day off?
4. What is Ann's attitude fowards the other competitors in races?
A. She can't get on well with all of them. B. She's made a few good friends among them.
C. She finds it easy to talk to them. D. She is prone to keep a professional distance with them.
5. Which word best describes Ann's feeling about being stopped for autographs all the time?
A. Uncomfortable B. Relaxed C. Excited D. Unconfident
II. You will hear a student giving a presentation about the challenges of living in space. For questions 6-15,
complete each blank with ONE WORD OR A NUMBER taken from the recording. Write your answers on
the answer sheet. You will hear the recording TWICE. (10 pts.)
Living on the International Space Station (ISS)
• Astronauts spend months in microgravity, so
⎯ their blood moves to their head and (6) _________.
Bộ 16 Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Hải Phòng (Có đáp án) - DeThiTiengAnh.net
⎯ they lose minerals such as (7) ___________.
⎯ they have to exercise (8) __________ hours, six days a week, to avoid muscle loss.
⎯ they may suffer from poor vision (9) ____________.
• NASA continues to improve ways for water, including sweat, to be (10) ____________.
Building on the Moon or Mars
• Engineers and architects must use materials which
⎯ are (11) ___________ enough for transporting.
⎯ can already be found on the Moon or Mars.
• Rocks and minerals could be used to make metal, brick, and possibly (12) _________ for buildings.
• NASA still needs to find a way
⎯ to make large (13) ______________.
⎯ to visit places like a (14) ______________.
⎯ to get a new (15) _____________.
I. Give the correct form of the word in brackets to complete each of the following sentences.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 pts.)
1. Not every journalist could notice the opera singer's shifted grounds; her opinion had changed (PERCEIVE)
2. Since drunken driving is dangerous, the government has decided to (LAW) _________ it in the hope that road
accidents will be reduced.
3. It is advisable that caffeine and other similar (STIMULATE) _______ shouldn't be taken shortly before we go
to bed.
4. The man was arrested for (PERSON) __________ a director, tricking many people into giving him money to
invest in the project.
5. Thanks to this type of (SHATTER) ___________ screen, drivers will be able to have a clear view even when it
is smashed.
6. As a teacher, Mrs. White always tries to be fair and avoid (FAVOR) __________ as well as scapegoating.
7. Laura has (MARK) __________ the BBC homepage as she uses it regularly to get the latest news.
8. The ceremony of the Flamboyant Festival ended (SENSE) _________ with a firework display.
9. Do you think the children in this village are (NOURISH) ____________ ? They look very thin.
10. The tourists were impressed by the (SPLENDID) ___________ of the jewellery in the souvenir shop.
II. Fill each blank with a suitable preposition or adverb particle to complete each of the following sentences.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 pts.)
1. Steeped _________ tradition, old houses are often sought-after _________ their unique architecture and style.
2. To determine whether this ink cartridge is compatible ________ your printer, check _______ the side of the
3. I would be grateful if you kept the news ___________ yourself. Do not tell anyone __________ it.
Bộ 16 Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Hải Phòng (Có đáp án) - DeThiTiengAnh.net
4. We don't have a big budget, so choose what you like _________ the menu, __________ reason.
5. Rather than ponder the questions, the interviewee blurted _______ the first answer coming _______ his head.
6. Working in a team seemed to be a tough time for Leon at first, but _______ long, he got the hang _______ it.
7. My uncle is an inspirational politician who can put ________ his ideas _________ exceptional clarity.
8. There is a bus ________ twenty minutes ________ the hour; for example 7.40,8.40,9.40, etc.
9. Mr. Smith doesn't want us to quote him on what he is ________ to say as it is __________ the record.
10. I decide to buy the dress _______ approval so that I can take it ________ if it doesn't fit my mother.
III. The following passage contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the corrections in the
corresponding numbered boxes on the answer sheet. (0.) has been done as an example. (10 pts.)
0. Line 1: believing → believe
Scientists used to believing that our 24-hours cycle sleeping and walking was governed entirely by external
factors. The most notable of these, they thought, were the rising and the setting of sun. But they have now
established that it is a daily mythm to a wide range of biological function - including temperature, digestion and
mental activity - which regulate internally by a special time-keeping mechanism within the brain. The main
function of this "body clock' is to anticipate and prepare for external changes so that, for example, our body
temperature starts to rise around dawn, gearing with for the day, and begin to fall in the early evening, winding us
down for sleep. Some people body clocks keep poorer time than those of others, which can greatly disturb their
lives and even threaten their health. Insomnia, depression, fatigue, and being inefficient can all be caused or
aggravated by inaccurate body clocks.
Equally, severe problems can result from the difficulties of adjusting to different time zones and working by night
in spite of by day. Shift workers are known to run a higher-than-average risk of having an amount of health
problems and the disruption of normal body myythms is one possible explanation for this.
Read the following passage and fill each of the numbered blanks with ONE suitable word.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (5pts.)
In this digital age of instant communication, the tradition of having pen friends still (1) _________ the test of time.
Pen friends, also known as pen pals, are individuals who exchange letters and buld friendships via (2) __________
The allure of having a pen friend lies in the personal touch that handwritten letters bring to communication. (3)
__________ quick messages sent through emails or social media, pen friends take the time to put pen to paper and
express their thoughts and feelings in a (4) _______ deliberate and heartfelt manner. Waiting for letters to arrive in
the mailbox creates a (5) ___________ of anticipation and excitement, making the exchange of letters a cherished
Moreover, pen friends offer a window to the world by providing insights (6) ___________ different cultures and
perspectives. Through their letters, pen friends share stories of their daily lives, traditions, and unique experiences,
Bộ 16 Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Hải Phòng (Có đáp án) - DeThiTiengAnh.net
(7) _________ us to see the world through their eyes. It's a journey of mutual discovery, (8) _____________ each
letter becomes a treasure trove of new knowledge and understanding.
In conclusion, (9) ____________ art of having pen friends continues to enrich lives and foster connections beyond
borders. In a world that moves at a rapid pace, the simple act of writing and exchanging letters holds the power to
create lasting friendships and bridge gaps between cultures. So, pick up your pen and (10) ______________ the
plunge, for the world of pen friends awaits with open arms and open hearts.
I. Finish the second sentence in such a way that its meaning is similar to that of the original one.
Write your answers on the answer sheet. (10 pts.)
1. It has been arranged for all of us to attend the conference on Saturday.
⇒ We are all.
2. Her salary is half what she would receive in the job she was offered four months ago.
⇒ If she had accepted..
3. It is thought that the company will launch a new advertising campaign soon.
⇒ A new advertising campaign...
4. Most of the problems of the committee arose because there was no leadership.
⇒ It was the..
5. "Please don't run so fast. I can't catch up with you," Daisy said to David.
⇒ Daisy pleaded..
6. You couldn't wish to meet a nicer fellow than Martin.
⇒ Martin is as..
7. Mark is a passionate skier and he also takes part in skateboarding tournaments.
⇒ Apart
8. You shouldn't have told everyone about my plan.
⇒ I would rather my..
9. It is not certain that the new situation will be an improvement.
⇒ It is open
10. Please do not disturb the contestants during the exam under any circumstances.

File đính kèm:

  • pdfbo_16_de_thi_vao_10_mon_tieng_anh_hai_phong_co_dap_an.pdf
  • mp3File nghe Chuyên 2022-2023 - Mã 924 - Part One - Phần 1.mp3
  • mp3File nghe Chuyên 2022-2023 - Mã 924 - Part One - Phần 2.mp3