Bộ 18 Đề thi Tiếng Anh B1 (Có đáp án)

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Bộ 18 Đề thi Tiếng Anh B1 (Có đáp án)
1. If you want to stay 	 don't eat too much and take plenty of exercise.
a. healthily 	b. healthy	c. healthful	d. health
2. There's a chance that he'll arrive in time for supper, but he 	 be a lot later.
a. would	b. must	c. should	d. might
3. Cuc Phuong National Park, 	we spent our last weekend, has over 200 square kilometers of rainforest.
a. when	b. where	c. that	d. which
4. The soybean contains vitamins, essential minerals, 	
a. and a high percentage of protein	b. since a high percentage of protein
c. a high protein percentage	d. of which a high protein percentage
5. If we want to 	 up with them, we'd better hurry.
a. catch	b. approach	c. arrive	d. come 
6. He can't afford to go on holiday 	 taking a job.
a. without	b. unless	c. if	d. until
7. In fact, they have never 	 any experience of living overseas.
a. done	b. had	c. made	d. wished
8. Robert'. “	“ Mary-. “I'd love to, but I have an evening class tonight.”
a. Do you think we must go for dinner tonight?
b. Do you want to go out for a walk with me?
c. Would you like to come to my party tonight?
d. Should you go for dinner with me tonight?
9. They bought a gift that was very expensive for their son.
a. They gave their son a gift that was very expensive.
b. Their son bought an expensive gift for his birthday.
c. Although the gift was inexpensive, they didn't buy it for their son.
d. The gift was so expensive that they didn't buy it for their son.
10. If I hadn't had so much work to do, I would have gone to the movies.
a. Because I had to do so much work, I couldn't go to the movies.
b. A lot of work couldn't prevent me from going to the movies.
c. I never go to the movies if I had work to do.
d. I would go to the movies when I had done so much work.
11. “I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, Mum!” said John.
a. John apologised his Mum because he didn't keep his promise.
b. John apologised to his Mum for breaking his promise.
c. John felt sorry for his mum's not keeping her promise.
d. John said he was sorry for not keeping his promise.
12. Neptune is 	 any planets except Pluto.
a. to be far from the Sun	b. farther from the Sun than
c. far from the Sun being	d. farther than the Sun is
13. I didn't really want to play football on Saturday, but since there was no one else to take my place I couldn't really. 	it.
a. get out of	b. go over	c. take off	d. turn down
14. He retired early. 	ill health.
a. ahead of	b. on behalf of	c. on account of	d. in front of
15. I had no 	 that the unemployment rate was so high in this country.
a. knowledge	b. question	c. idea	d. understanding
Intelligence tests have been used for many years to judge people's Intelligence Quotient, or IQ. A (16) 	more recent invention, but one which is gaining in popularity, is the measuring of Emotional Intelligence, known as EQ. Emotional Intelligence is divided (17) 	five areas: self-awareness - recognizing your own feelings; managing emotions - handling your feelings in an appropriate way, and dealing with negative emotions well; motivating oneself - this (18) 	.things like self-control, and using your emotions to achieve goals; empathy - understanding other people's feelings, and seeing their point of view; and handling relationships - your social skills, and how well you emotionally interact with other people. Many people believe that your Emotional Intelligence is more (19) 	.than any other intelligence, and is a better predictor of how successful you will be in work, and in life. Some employers have even started giving EQ (20) 	.to job applicants
16. Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question
a. very	b. lot	c. many	d. much
17. Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question
a. for	b. to 	c. into	d. with
18. Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question
a. consists	b. gets	c. has	d. includes
19. Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question
a. fundamental	b. critical	c. important	d. vital
20. Read the passages and choose the best answer for each question
a. tests	b. exams	c. checks	d. proofs
A good deal of fascinating research has been done into the reading patterns of young people, and it's surprising to discover at what an early age children start expressing preferences for particular kinds of books. A recent report, which examined in detail the reading habit of primary school children, showed that even seven-year-old boys and girls have clear views about what they want to read. Girls, in general, read more, and far more girls than boys preferred reading stories. Boys were showing a taste for the more instant appeal of picture stories, or else books about their hobbies.
These tastes continue unchanged until the children are teenagers. Apparently girls read more in general, but more fiction in particular. You could say that there are more opportunities for girls to read fiction: magazines encourage the fiction habit in girls in their early teens, and by their late teens, girls have probably moved on to the adult women's magazines. Teenage boys tend to buy magazines about their hobbies: sports, motorcycles, heavy transport and so on.
21. Recent research into children's reading has shown that they 	
a. have formed their reading tastes by the time they are seven
b. start to read at a very early age
c. examine in detail what they read at school
d. can read clearly and distinctly in primary school
22. A close look at the reading habits of boys and girls shows that. 	
a. magazines appeal more to boys than girls
b. picture stories appeal more to girls than boys
c. schools give more encouragement to girls than to boys
d. girls are more interested in fiction than boys
23. We can see from the passage that. 	
a. children generally don't care what they should read
b. far more boys than girls are interested in love stories
c. there are more opportunities for girls to buy magazines than for boys
d. teenage boys show a taste for magazines about their hobbies
24. The word “fascinating” in the passage means most nearly the same as 	
a. having great attraction	b. having a lot of information
c. having great pleasure	d. having a lot of fiction
25. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Girls prefer reading fiction when they are teenagers.
b. Girls start reading earlier than boys.
c. Girls read more than boys when they are teenagers.
d. Girls are usually interested in women's magazines in their late teens
In England, there is a traditional belief that whoever first arrives at the threshold of the household will bring good luck to the family for the coming year. The tradition is (26) 	'First Footing'. As part of 'First Footing' tradition, English people pray for a young, healthy, handsome, and dark-haired male to be their first footer of the New Year. A woman, a blonde, or a red-colored person is not welcome for the day, (27) 	they are considered to bring bad luck for the entire year.
Moreover, if that person carries coal, money, bread, salt, or holy mistletoe with him, then it is considered to be a (28) 	of good luck and prosperity for the rest of the year. Traditionally, the first footer is meant to follow certain customs and traditions. One of them is that the first footer (29) 	 always enter the house from the front door, and exit from the back door. Also, the first footer should place the fuel (as carried along) on the fire, should place the loaf on the table, and should (30) 	water on the head of the householder. Tradition also calls for gifting of the mistletoe by the visitor to any household member.
26. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space.
a. believed	b. known	c. called	d. thought
27. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space.
a. whereas	b. although	c. yet	d. as
28. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space.
a. sign	b. notice	c. coming	d. warning
29. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space.
a. could	b. would	c. may	d. should
30. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space.
a. flood	b. pour	c. empty	d. flow

1. Giải thích:
- stay = remain in a particular situation or state: giữ lại trạng thái, tình trạng nào đó, cho nên sau đó ta có stay + adj Healthful (adj): hợp vệ sinh, lành mạnh healthy (adj): khȯe mạnh, cường tráng
Nếu bạn muốn khỏe mạnh thì đừng ăn quá nhiều và hãy tập thể dục nhiều.
Đáp án C
2. Giải thích:
Cần quan tâm đến cách dùng nghĩa của những động từ khiếm khuyết này
- might: quá khứ của May, Nếu là động từ May: có thể dùng 2 nghĩa là có khả năng xảy ra việc gì, hoặc là được phép làm gì. Từ might là thì quá khứ của May, có thể dùng theo nghĩa nhu May. Tuy nhiên nếu ờ trong máng thì hiện tại (nhu câu để ra), từ might dùng với nghĩa là có thể, có khả năng. (như nghĩa của can, tuy nhiên khả năng xảy ra ít hơn can).
- must: phải làm gì đó. Ngoài ra còn có nghĩa: hẳn là, chắc là. Dùng để phán đoán tình huống gì đó chắc sẽ xảy ra, dựa trên dữ kiện thông tin được cho trước.
- should: nên làm gì đó. Nghĩa này dùng ở thì hiện tại. Nếu ở mạng thì quá khứ, should cũng có thể dùng diễn đạt hành động đã xảy ra như cách dùng đơn giản thì quá khứ đơn.
- would: quá khứ của will, dùng nghĩa đã làm gì đó trong quá khứ, trong trường hợp các câu văn thêm tính lịch sự, giả định mà dùng ở thì hiện tại, thì có thể dùng would.
Có khả năng anh ấy sẽ đến kịp giờ ăn tối, nhưng cũng có thể muộn hơn rất nhiều.
 Might: ở đầy dùng nghĩa có thể, ờ thì hiện tại. Dấu hiệu cũng rõ ràng nhờ vào mệnh để ở trước (there is a chance) Đáp án
3. Giải thích:
Nhìn vào câu dấu phẩy, loại ngay phương án C
- When trạng từ quan hệ thời gian ⇒ loại
- Câu này chỉ phân vân đáp án A và B. Vườn quốc gia Cúc Phương, nó vừa là nơi mà, vừa là tên riêng chỉ một đụa da

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