Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Đồng Nai 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

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Tóm tắt nội dung tài liệu: Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Đồng Nai 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)

Đề thi vào 10 môn Tiếng Anh Đồng Nai 2019-2020 (Có đáp án)
NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phỳt
(Đề thi này gồm 04 trang, cú 37 cõu)
I. Choose the word A, B, C or D whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group. 
Question 1. A. proud 	B. about 	C. around 	D. would 
Question 2. A. cancel 	B. certain 	C. computer 	D. collapse 
II. Choose the word A, B, C or D whose main stress is different from that of the others in each group. 
Question 3. A. depend 	B. describe 	C. advice 	D. notice 
Question 4. A. amusing 	B. profession 	C. dimension 	D. colorful 
III. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. 
Question 5. Choose the word that OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part. 
Later that evening, when I was almost asleep, the sound of a crowd bought me back to full consciousness. 
A. afraid 	B. tired 	C. awake 	D. aware 
Question 6. Before you begin the exam paper, always read the instructions .. 
A. carelessly 	B. careless 	C. careful 	D. carefully 
Question 7. Could you please an appointment for me to see Mr.Smith? 
A. do 	B. take 	C. make 	D. get 
Question 8. We have had the roof of our house replaced, ? 
A. have we 	B. haven’t we 	C. do we 	D. don’t we 
Question 9. If everyone of us  the traffic rules, the road will be much safer. 
A. obey 	B. obeys 	C. obeyed 	D. will obey 
Question 10. There were  people in the park. 
A. a lot of 	B. a lot 	C. much 	D. lots 
Question 11. Next Sunday, there will be a concert ... 8 p.m and 10 p.m.
A. in 	B. at 	C. on 	D. between 
Question 12. I suggest  Ha Long Bay. It’s very picturesque. 
A. to visit 	B. visiting 	C. visited 	D. should visit
IV. Choose the best answer (A-G) to complete the conversation between Daniel and George. There is ONE extra answer which you do not need to use. 
Daniel: Hi George, how are you? 
George: (0) ..C.. 
Daniel: Did you do anything exciting? 
George: (13) . 
Daniel: I’d love to. Shall we catch the bus? 
George: (14) . 
Daniel: I think there’s one at 10 a.m. The next one doesn’t leave until 12. 
George: (15) . 
Daniel: Me too. Let’s meet at my house at 9.30 a.m. 
George: (16) . 
Daniel: No, I don’t. There are always seats. 
George: (17) . 
Daniel: Of course, my parents gave me one for my birthday! 
	A. That’s too late. I’d like to see the street parades. 
	B. Great. Can you bring your camera? 
	C. I’m fine, thanks. It was my birthday yesterday. 
	D. Yes, I’d like to see the street decorations. 
	E. Yes, the train is too expensive. Do you know when it leaves? 
	F. Fine. Do you usually buy tickets for the bus? 
	G. No, I didn’t, but tomorrow I’m going to London to see the carnival. Would you like to come?
V. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C orr D) best fits each gap. 
	E-mail and chat rooms let children communicate (18) . friends and family members. They can 
also allow children to connect with people that they have never (19) . in person. Knowing a little 
about each of these communication services can help parents (20) . children safer while online. 
	Through e-mail, (21) . can easily send and receive messages. These messages may also have 
text, audio, and picture file attached. Signing up for an e-mail account is simple (22) . most services 
offer them for free. Sometimes these messages contain viruses, or other inappropriate content, so parents 
should warn children to be wary of e-mails from (23) . people. 
	Chat rooms are online hang-out spots where anyone can talk about (24) . - current events, 
books, and other common interests. Users often do not know each other in real life, so it is important that 
parents keep a close eye on the content of any (25) ..
Question 18. A. to 	B. with 	C. for 	D. through 
Question 19. A. met 	B. gone 	C. asked 	D. called 
Question 20. A. save 	B. protect 	C. surround 	D. keep 
Question 21. A. receives 	B. messages 	C. users 	D. partners 
Question 22. A. due to 	B. because 	C. because of 	D. in order to 
Question 23. A. known 	B. well-known 	C. unknown 	D. unpopular 
Question 24. A. every 	B. something 	C. nothing 	D. anything 
Question 25. A. conversations 	B. meetings 	C. letters 	D. users
VI. Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. 
	Coca Cola is a popular drink for people all over the world. At first, very few people drank Coca Cola, 
but now it is sold in more than 160 countries. More than 1,6 billion gallons are sold every year. 
Coca Cola was invented by Dr. John Pemberton in Atlanta on 8 May, 1886. However, the name Coca 
	Cola was given by Frank Robinson, one of Dr. Pemberton’s partners. Later, in 1888, the business was sold to another man, Asa Candler. He opened his first factory to produced this drink in 1895 in Dallas, Texas. 
Since then, a great quantity of Coca Cola has been produced there. 
	Since 1982, a special kind of Coca Cola has been made for overweight people - diet Coke. They have 
used many clever advertisements to increase the amount of Coca Cola sold every year. 
	Besides Coca Cola, there are many other drinks of the same kind sold al over the world such as Pepsi 
Cola, Sp - Cola and Dr. Pepper. However, Coca Cola is the most popular. People drink Coca Cola with their 
meals, when they are thirsty or when they socialize with friends. 
	It is certain that more and more people will drink Coca Cola all over the world in this century. 
Question 26. Coca Cola is now sold in . countries. 
A. very few 	B. more than 16 	C. over 160 	D. fewer than 160 
Question 27. The first Coca Cola factory was opened in Dallas by . . 
A. Dr. Pemberton 	B. Asa Candler 	C. Frank Robinson 	D. Dr. Pepper 
Question 28. The word “there” refers to . . 
A. where Coca Cola was invented 	B. the city with the first Coca Cola factory 
C. Atlanta, a U.S city 	D. the place that Coca Cola is sold 
Question 29. Diet Coke is used for . people. 
A. fat 	B. sick 	C. thin 	D. small 
Question 30. Coca Cola is believed to be . . 
A. more popular than other drinks of the same kind 
B. less popular than other drinks of the same kind 
C. as popular as the last century
D. as not popular as other drinks of the same kind
VII. Combine the sentences into a new one, using the given words in the blankets. DO NOT change the word given. 
Question 31. It’s a pity. I can’t play chess. (wish) 
=> ..................................................................................................................................................................... 
Question 32. His mother tongue is French. He speaks English like a native. (although) 
=> ..................................................................................................................................................................... 
Question 33. The man is very strong. He can lift that heavy table. (enough) 
=> ..................................................................................................................................................................... 
VIII. Rewrite the sentences without changing their original meanings, using the cues given. 
Question 34. They will send an ambulance to the school in 10 minutes. 
=>An ambulance ............................................................................................................................................. 
Question 35. I have never met this strange man before. 
=>This is the first time .................................................................................................................................... 
Question 36. “Don’t make too much noise, children!” he said. 
=>He told ........................................................................................................................................................ 
IX. Write a paragraph. 
Question 37. In a paragraph of 80 – 100 words, write about your dream school.
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5
Question 6
Question 7
Question 8
Question 9
Question 10
Question 11
Question 12
Question 13
Question 14
Question 15
Question 16
Question 17
Question 18
Question 19
Question 20
Question 21
Question 22
Question 23
Question 24
Question 25
Question 26
Question 27
Question 28
Question 29
Question 30

Question 31. I wish I could play chess.
Question 32. Although his mother tongue is French, he speaks English like a native.
	 Or: He speaks English like a native although his mother tongue is French.
Question 33. The man is strong enough to lift that heavy table.
Question 34. An ambulance will be sent to the school in 10 minutes.
Question 35. This is the first time I have met this strange man.
Question 36. He told children not to make too much noise.
Question 1. D
Kiến thức: Phỏt õm "-ou"
Giải thớch:
A. proud /pravd/	B. about /a'baut/	C. around /ə'raund/	D. would /wod/
Phần gạch chõn đỏp ỏn D phỏt õm là/đ/, cũn lại là /av/.
Chọn D
Question 2. B
Kiến thức: Phỏt õm “-c”
Giải thớch:
A. cancel /'kổnsl/	B. certain /'s3:tn/
C. computer /kəm'pju:tər/	D. collapse /kə'lổps/
Phần gạch chõn đỏp ỏn B phỏt õm là /s/, cũn lại là /k/.
Chọn B
Question 3. D
Kiến thức: Trọng õm từ cú 2 õm tiết
Giải thớch:
A. depend /dr'pend/	B. describe /dı'skraib/	C. advice /əd'vais/	D. notice /'nəutis/
Quy tắc:
Những động từ cú 2 õm tiết thường cú trọng õm rơi vào õm tiết thứ hai.
Những danh từ, tớnh từ cú 2 õm tiết thường cú trọng õm rơi vào õm tiết thứ nhất.
Trọng õm đỏp ỏn D rơi vào õm tiết thứ nhất, cũn lại là õm thứ hai.
Chọn D
Question 4. D
Kiến thức: Trọng õm từ cú 3 õm tiết
Giải thớch:
A. amusing /ə'mju:zıy/	B. profession /prə'fefn/	C. dimension /daı'menf n/	D. colorful /'k^ləfl/
Quy tắc:

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